Small robots that use colored light to interact with each other and their environment to perform complex interactions like playing freeze-tag.
The Story
On a sultry September evening, five young engineers decided to create “intelligent” robots for their Principles of Engineering project. This endeavour lead to the founding of Studio Crabworks, the home of CrabBots.
Personally, I contributed to this interdisciplinary project as an Electro-Mechanical Engineer. I designed our beacon in Solidworks, the beacon PCBs that used ATtiny85s in KiCAD, and assembled & tested those PCBs along with our custom Arduino-based robot PCBs. Additionally, I worked as the Team Project Manager and was responsible for keeping us on track, our deliverables in check and our budget up-to-date.
An Overview
Custom Arduino-based PCB with H-bridge motor controller, Accelerometer, 2x Multiplexers and 2x Op-Amps.
Mechanical Design
3D render of the complete CrabBot. 100% press-fit design with accurately-sized tolerances.